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Zoning Minutes 11-6-2007
                        Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                Meeting Minutes

Date:           November 6, 2007

Present:        Sarto Caron, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Ray Korny, Member
                Todd Mayo, Associate
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary

7:00 PM The minutes of October 16, 2007 were read and accepted.
                The Board discussed their visits to the Soper property.

7:30 PM Special Permit Continuance
                Clarence Soper
                90 Stafford Road
                18-A-05 Book 2538       Page 484

                Mr. Soper, engineer Mark Farrell, and abutter Ronald Paquette were present. Mr. Soper presented his house plans. The attached garage will face Hisgen Road. Mr. Paquette stated he does not want an increase of water flow into his house or water to sit or pool on his property line after Mr. Soper finishes building his house and grading is completed. Mr. Farrell stated that the front driveway area would be cut down to improve water run-off. Mr. Paquette admitted that water has entered his basement three to four times a year.  Mr. Paquette said that he attended a HCC meeting as the Board suggested. He said that since there were no HCC issues involved they did not have to make any comments regarding building on the site. Voting in favor of the project to be built as presented were Sarto Caron, Don Beal, Ray Korny, Ron Seaburg and Todd Mayo.

8:00 PM Special Permit Request
                Gerald Joyal and Donna Possardt
                13 Massaconnic Trail
                Mr. Joyal and Ms. Possardt want to tear down the present house and re-build a two-bedroom house on the existing house footprint. Mark Farrell said the house would use a “flow through” foundation. The house will be 28’8’’ wide and 42’ long. The attached shed will be 14’5’’ x 6’5’’. House overhang distances were a Board concern and would be examined.  A site review was scheduled for Wednesday, November 7, at 9AM. A continuance was scheduled for November 20, at 7:30 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.
CC:     Building Inspector, Executive Secretary, Town Clerk, HCC, ZBA Files

Submitted by:
Ronald Seaburg, Secretary